Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Morning Roundup

Good morning readers!

Governor's Debate: For those of you that missed it last night, the Maryland gubernatorial candidates Bob Ehrlich and Martin O'Malley faced off on WJZ TV. The candidates focused mainly on the economy and that seems to be a large sticking point for the Ehrlich campaign especially as he promises to roll the state sales tax back to 5% from 6%. O'Malley however is looking to his past four years for his talking points, and focused mainly on what he's done instead of what he will do. Freezing the tuition at UMD is going to be a huge sticking point for him this campaign. Aaron Davis sums it up nicely for the Post "The subject line of the O'Malley campaign message alone conveys the bulk of the governor's platform: He's made tough choices during the recession, and has kept the state on a path be optimistic about the future...Ehrlich's e-mail similarly cuts to the core of his campaign: he says that he'll be a better governor at creating jobs and that, essentially, O'Malley cannot be trusted. As the e-mail reads, O'Malley continues to "make stuff up and change the subject from his legacy of massive job losses, record tax increases and ballooning budgets." Some more recaps can be found here, here, and here. For those of you with the time, the Washington Post is hosting the next debate Thursday at noon in their office. Tickets are free but you have to RSVP.

Kane On Campus: Busy night for the gubernatorial race. Mary Kane, Ehrlich's running mate was on campus last night for a Q&A. Melissa Quijada at the Diamondback seems to be the only one that covered it and just barely. But she did get a good quote from Kane "'It's important for young people to get involved in politics,' Kane said. 'You are the future of the state and the decisions now affect your future and you should be involved in those decisions.'"

Anne Applebaum talks about the confusion of what it means to be elite.

Michelle Malkin looks at a disturbing trend of some environmental commercials.

And for those of you in College Park, I hope all you stayed safe last night. Looks like a fight outside Turtle led to four getting stabbed. Kinda scary that we didn't find out until this morning.

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